You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: ba da ba ba ba I'm lovin it!
You: nice
You: a bit gay
You: dont leave me
Stranger: R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Find out what it means to me.
Stranger: Sock it to me! Sock it to me! Sock it to me!
You: u r slow typing
You: Tsar Bomba
Stranger: not really
Stranger: u have NO IDEA
You: you haven't got socks
You: sailor
You: are u
Stranger: no
You: what about gaylor?
Stranger: wth are you talking about
You: gaylors
You: my daddy used to have toubles with speaking
You: bad toubles
You: he couldn´t say s
You: he called me gon
Stranger: That sucks.
Stranger: Can he say s now?
You: guckg
You: in our family
You: just joking
You: now
You: my father
You: i don´t want to talk about it
You: lets talk about u
You: is your father living?
Stranger: Yes and I hate him.
You: why?
Stranger: Mistreated family. No respect and just disgust.
You: I´m sorry. Did u have money to do nice thinks? To cover the fact that u feel bad :(
You: ..that kinda helps
You: :)
Stranger: I save my money.
Stranger: for bigger things
You: For your kids?
Stranger: I aint got kids.
You: oh yes, gaylor... ;)
Your conversational partner has disconnected.